Alyv - new logo for 2024

Service Agreement 2024/2025

About You:

Your Details:

Details of the Person Receiving Services:

Legal Authority


The Agreement

This service agreement is made between the above mentioned person, who is a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and The Trustee for Sarahs Family Trust, Trading as Alyv (TM), ABN: 31 891 008 162

and shall continue for the duration of the persons plan as specified above. Both parties agree that should the NDIS plan roll over, extend, be reviewed or renewed this agreement and all its terms and conditions will extend beyond the expiry date in the previous plan by mutual agreement and any changes to the Terms and Conditions will be subject to the parties providing a minimum of 2 weeks notice in writing.

Alyv Agrees To:

  • Review this agreement as required or when requested by the Participant

  • Provide services that meet the Participants needs at the Participants preferred times

  • Be transparent and honest in all dealings with the Participant

  • Communicate effectively in a manner stated by the Participant

  • Treat the Participant with respect and courtesy

  • Seek instruction and direction from the Participant regarding all aspects of their support

  • Give the Participant information about managing complaints and concerns

  • Listen to any feedback from the Participant and resolve any issues quickly

  • Give the Participant a minimum of 24 hours notice if Alyv has to amend any booking.

  • Give the Participant the required notice if Alyv needs to end this agreement (see “Ending this Service Agreement” below for more information)

  • Protect the Participants privacy and confidentiality

  • Keep accurate records of any services provided to the Participant

  • Issue invoices and statements as soon as practical to the Participant

  • Give a minimum of two weeks notice in writing with any changes to the terms in this agreement

The Person(s) Above Agree To:

  • Inform Alyv how they wish the services to be delivered to meet their needs

  • Treat the Provider with courtesy and respect

  • Communicate to the Provider if the Participant has and concerns about the services being provided

  • Give the Provider a minimum of one clear business day notice if the Participant cannot make a scheduled appointment; should notice be given within one clear business day of the booking then the Alyv cancellation policy will apply

  • Give Alyv the required notice if the Participant needs to end the Agreement (see “Ending this Service Agreement” below for more information); and

  • Let the Provider know immediately if the Participants NDIS Plan is suspended or replaced by a new plan or if the Participant stops being a Participant of the NDIS

Costs and Pricing

Core Supports (In Home and Community) (Hourly Rates)

Weekdays (booking finished before 8pm)$66.98 
Weekday Evenings (booking finished after 8pm)$73.80
Weekday Nights (bookings that start before 6am or finish after 12am)$75.15
Public Holidays$148.81
Transport (With or on behalf of the service recipient)          $0.90 per km plus costs (parking etc)

High Intensity Core Supports (In Home or Community) (Hourly Rates)

Weekdays (booking finished before 8pm)                                           $72.46   
Weekday Evenings (booking finished after 8pm)                                                                $79.84
Weekday Nights (bookings that start before 6am or finish after 12am)$81.32
Public Holidays$160.99
Transport (with or on behalf of the service recipient)                                                                                        $0.90 per km plus costs (parking etc)

CB - Increased Social and Community Participation (Hourly Rate) & Other CB Items for Supports Ex. Daily Living

Individual Skill Development (Life Transition Planning)       $76.34
Skill Development and Training$76.34              
Community Participation ActivitiesAs Quoted                                          

CB - Improved Daily Living (seven years or older)

Skill Development and Public Transport Training$66.98
Daily Planning, Budgeting and Supported Decision Making$66.98                    
Reporting on RequestAs Quoted            

Gardening and Home Maintenance (Hourly Rate)

Cleaning (Domestic)$55.75
Home Maintenance$55.00      

Activity Based Transport (with you or on your behalf) $0.90 per km paid directly to your worker.

If reports are required to assist with a plan review, please advise us with at least six weeks notice and we will arrange a quote based on the kind of reporting needed. There is no charge to supply general information such as your roster of supports or other documents we have on file regarding your services with us. 

Alyv does NOT charge for Provider travel (to get to and from your home).

Alyv does NOT charge for any establishment or set up costs.

Cancellations, Bookings and Ending This Agreement

The Alyv cancellation policy required you to give one clear business day notice for cancellations in order to not inccur a cancellation fee.

If a cancellation is made with less than one clear business days notice, Alyv will charge 100% of the agreed booking value.

For example, if you wish to cancel a booking on a Friday, we will need notice of this within business hours on the preceding Wednesday. 

Our business days are Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm excluding public holidays.

Alyv will work with you to minimise late cancellations and we will offer you alternatives where possible. We will also make all efforts to ensure your wellbeing in the event that you don't attend a booking and have not given us any notice. This may include calling you, your emergency contacts or other people you have nominated or requesting a welfare check.

We promise to make every effort to reallocate your worker to other billable work and where we are successful you will not be charged for your cancellation.

Alyv will work with you to develop a roster of supports. This roster is how we will plan your services and staff availability.

Should you need any one off changes, please contact Alyv as soon as possible so we can plan for additional supports. We recommend at least two weeks notice so we can plan for one of your preferred staff members to be available to you. Changes and additions to the roster with less than two weeks notice cant be guaranteed but we will always try our best.

Should you need to permenantly change your bookings, please provide two weeks notice, although we will always try to facilitate these changes much sooner.

Alyv has developed a digital booking form where you can submit any requests or changes. Our staff can also complete this for you over the phone or will complete this when you submit a request for a change of your regular services. 
This form will be sent to you for your records and will form part of your agreement with Alyv untill you change it. This will ensure you have a written record of the booking requests at all times.

Should any changes to this agreement be needed, Alyv will discuss these in an open and transparent way to ensure your needs are met.

Should you wish to cancell this agreement we are happy to negotiate the cancellation period. If you are no longer needing our services you can cancel future bookings as per our cancellation policy and we can end services immediately.

Alternatively you can choose a future date, and we can work with your new supports to hand over and train them up until this time.

Invoicing and Payments

All parties agree that Alyv is an independent provider and will make invoices for services to be sent to self managed and plan managed participants and/or their nominees. 

We can not claim funds directly from NDIA for Agency Managed participants.

Alyv will be responsible for creating accurate invoices on a weekly or fortnightly basis and the participant will be responsible for the payment of these invoices. All claims with the NDIA are the Participant's responsibility and, should the NDIA reject a claim for services, the Participant would be responsible for the payment of any invoices outstanding. 

Alyv will make all efforts to ensure invoices are acceptable by the NDIA, and Plan Managers, Participants and their nominees are responsible for managing their NDIA budgets and advising us if any changes to services are needed due to funding.

Goods and Services Tax

For the purposes of GST legislation, the Parties confirm that:

  • A supply of Services under this Agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and necessary Services specified in the statement included, under subsection 33(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), in the Participant’s NDIS Plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act;

  • The Participant’s NDIS Plan is expected to remain in effect during the period the Services are provided; and

  • The Participant/Participant’s Representative will immediately notify the Provider if the Participant’s NDIS Plan is replaced by a new Plan or the Participant stops being a participant in the NDIS.


This section talks about how Alyv can gather, share and manage your information. This consent is optional and can be changed at any time, there will be no need for a new service agreement to be made in the event that you wish to change, modify or withdraw your consent. Please contact us and notify us of any changes to your consent as soon as is practical.

Participant's representative/nominee/parent (if applicable):

Please include as much detail as possible so we can ensure we are speaking to the right person, especially where you would like us to communicate with your Support Coordinator, Plan Manager or PBS clinician, other allied health practitioner or your other support staff and informal supports. 

We will only communicate with the people/organisations named here and will seek your consent should we need to speak to anyone not named here. Click "Add Item" to add more people or organisations to the list.

Thank you, we confirm that you have asked we do not share your information or have any authority to gather information from any other prople or providers. This means that we will keep your information private and uphold your request, however, there may be times where Alyv is required by law to share your information. This includes:

  • Receiving a subpoena lawfully requiring us to provide information

  • Receiving a lawful FOI request from you or a person otherwise legally entitled to access this information

  • In circumstances where there is a risk of harm to yourself, our workers or the community

  • Other legislated reasons as set out in shedule 16A of the Australian Privacy Principals or otherwise specified in the Privacy Act 1988

If we do need to or are obligated to share or disclose your information for any reason under Australian law, we will notify you and communicate this to you as soon as practical after identifying that this will be lawfully required. 

Draw signature|Type signatureClear
This signature is only relevant to the "Consent" portion of this document


By signing this you agree to all the terms and conditions in this agreement and confirm you have read and understood your obligations and your rights when dealing with Alyv.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear